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KDF Property Clean-up

Kids Discovery Factory Board Members cleaned trash and debris from the side lot of the new KDF building in downtown Batesville. We are thrilled to be part of the community and recognize the importance of being good stewards of the property we were given, as well as good neighbors to our surrounding business owners.

The group hauled away a truckload of charred wood, as well as several bags of building debris, litter and weeds. Next we will address cosmetic improvements to the north side of the structure, which still shows signs of the 2019 fire on the neighboring lot.

Kids Discovery Factory's Phase One renovation plans include use of the existing three-story building, along with an addition on the north side to house an elevator and central staircase. Phase Two includes a large expansion into the vacant lot to house the largest of the planned exhibits. Project timelines will be announced as plans are finalized.

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